
The employed consultant model (ECM) allows candidates to combine the benefits and stability of being a permanent employee with the flexibility of being able to work and gain experience in many organisations. At the same time, it offers genuine cost savings to our clients.

This new employment model is especially effective in the IT and Engineering sectors, where long, complex projects are required to meet business demands. They are also very effective for assignments which are expected to last at least six months. There are several benefits you can profit from with Employed Consultants, such as:

  • Recruiting and managing consultants is normally 10-20% more cost efficient compared to independent contractors.
  • By retaining specialist skills and knowledge for the entire duration of your requirements, you’ll have a reliable, consistent team who can see your project through to it’s conclusion.
  • By recruiting employed Consultants combine the flexibility of contractors with the commitment of a permanent employees, so you’ll get the best of both worlds.
  • There are no co-employment risks and zero tenure risk implications.